Subscription Bouquets Ready!
If you have a bouquet subscription with us, you can pick a time between 9-11 Friday or Saturday to pick up your bouquet or feel free to email us at [email protected] for a more convenient time. This is a special spring bouquet. We may have a week or two after this while we wait for more flowers to sprout.
If you’ve signed up for your bouquet subscription… Some of the flowers featured in this email will be a part of your first bouquet.
Our flower stand will not be open this week because we’re still awaiting more blooms. Our bouquet subscriptions are no longer available. Contact me for details, if you’re interested in a bouquet subscription.
Planting Season
The weather has finally started to warm up and the flowers are responding. It seems like our little babies are sprouting, growing and yes, starting to bloom, overnight. Unfortunately, Bloom Season takes some time but it is always wonderful to see how everything begins to emerge. We will have our first subscription pick-up this week. Our white peonies are already emerging but right behind them are some of our deep reds and pinks which may be ready for your bouquet.
Even though, we feel like the weather has slowed the planting and growing season it really has not. We are on pace from last year with just a few more of the plants we sowed a little later waiting to be planted still. We continue to experiment with some new plants in small batches to see how they take to our climate and local conditions. We are very hopeful that next year there will be more blooms earlier based on how the growing patterns are.
Last year, we installed our first hugelkultur raised beds so we could have a more diverse planting medium recycling some felled trees, tree trimmings and bails of hay, that we used for seating around mid winter fire pit gatherings. The hugelkultur have worked splendidly and we are looking forward to building another couple this year for planting some more perennial varieties since they seem to respond to the growing conditions inside the hugelkultur. In theory as the components of the hugelkultur breakdown the plants gain more and more nutrients from the soil and the perennial crops will be that much better for it.