We’re almost finished with our Outdoor Room Paint Project and studio. For about a year, I went back and forth between two colors for the studio: Granite Peak and Storm Cloud. In the end, I chose Storm Cloud because I chickened out of the darker color. I wanted the grey, weathered look of Nantucket shingles, so the lighter color worked well for my vision. Though it resembles a certain someone’s eye color and sometimes reminds me of a blueberry smoothie.
The project’s next phase is laying stone for our outdoor room and putting up new beams to hold the roof. We also need to fix the damage from the carpenter bees, which I’ll share with you later. It brings back memories of swatting at bees during my year of playing tennis.
At any rate, here’s the paint progress so far. I still have one more side to go.
Now imagine some white shutters and maybe some cute flower boxes. Do you see it, or is it just me?