As the fields of Hickory House transformed into a golden sea, anticipation of autumn’s arrival filled the air. Crisp winds whispered secrets of change, promising cozy fireside evenings and vibrant foliage. Nature’s paintbrush had begun its masterpiece, heralding a season of warmth and transformation.
The Tropical Bog
We have an irresistible concoction that everyone is now addicted to. It all starts with our authentic coconut rum gifted to us by Renee from her trip to Jamaica. This is our new summer pool cocktail. Now, let me share the recipe for this delightful drink and suggest some additions that will elevate the experience. […]
Duncan Bartlet
Duncan Bartlet could never do a card trick like his Uncle Cyrus nor fend off the lions with sheer tenacity like Ungle Gunter, but he could wield a paintbrush like none other.
Happy St Patrick’s Day!
Are you wearing green? I celebrated all week wearing green, but today I put on grey. Bizarre! But I am off to hit the local deli for a delicious Reuben. I sent out three Irish theme postcards for my postcard project. I decided to do three quick landscape studies and used some Irish landscape photos. […]
Painting and Designing and Taxes and Flowers
Snow is blowing and sputtering about frantically today. I’m content in the studio. This season has a lot of things up in the air over here. One of the things going on, as you’ve noticed I’m spending more time and taking an hour or two a day to be creative. To paint or to draw… […]